The Divine Bubble

🌟 June 6 🌟 Healing the Healers - A Burn-Out Support Group Magical Sabbatical


Join us for a Monthly Respite & Healing Experience 🌱

Healing the Healers: A Support Group for Overcoming Burnout

Are you a healer or helper feeling drained and detached from the work you once found fulfilling? Do you dread the start of each workweek, suffering through each day only to live for the weekends? You're not alone.

This group is your sanctuary, a place to find understanding, relief, and tools for rekindling your passion for helping others. It's specifically designed for individuals like you, experiencing symptoms of burnout, including physical pain, emotional exhaustion, and a sense of futility at work. But beyond offering a space to share and empathize, we introduce powerful mechanisms for healing.

Our sessions explore the efficacy of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping, a revolutionary mind-body approach that combines gentle tapping on acupressure points with cognitive reflections on emotions and physical sensations. EFT Tapping has been clinically observed to reduce stress, alleviate emotional burdens, and enhance overall well-being, making it an ideal practice for healers and helpers wrestling with burnout.

Why Join Us?

  • Empathy and Understanding: Engage with peers who genuinely comprehend the pressures and challenges unique to those in giving professions.
  • Stress Alleviation Techniques: Learn and practice EFT Tapping among supportive peers to manage stress and combat the symptoms of burnout effectively.
  • Renewed Perspective: Shift from enduring work to enjoying life, rediscover your purpose and revive the joy in helping others.
  • Burnout Awareness: Increase your understanding of burnout's impact on physical and mental health and recognize the signs early.

Take Your First Step Towards Healing

Burnout doesn’t have to be an occupational hazard. It's time to prioritize your well-being as much as you do for others. Join us to begin your journey back to balance, peace, and rejuvenation. Together, we can transform our collective exhaustion into energy, enthusiasm, and, most importantly, effective healing.

  • Date: First Thursday of most months πŸ—“οΈ
  • Time: 6:49 - 8:30ish πŸ•–
  • Location: The Divine Bubble πŸ“

Take a Step Towards Healing. Register for Our Next Session! 🌼

When one person heals, we all heal. 🌿✨

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