The Divine Bubble

🌟 June 6 🌟 Healing the Healers - A Support Group for Burn Out Magical Sabbatical


📅 Join us for a Monthly Respite & Healing Experience 🌱

It's time for those who tirelessly care for all of us to receive the nurturing they deserve. As the events of recent years have relentlessly impacted our lives, no group has borne the weight more than workers in every "helping field". 🚑💪

This "Healing the Healers" group is your oasis of support amid life's challenges, dedicated to addressing the emotional and psychological toll taken on those in the helping professions. 🤲❤️

  • Date: First Thursday 🗓️
  • Time: 6:49 - 8:30ish 🕖
  • Location: The Divine Bubble 📍

Step into a sanctuary designed for your well-being, where we can begin to address the aftermath of prolonged struggles with trauma, grief, and exhaustion. Whether you're dealing with PTSD, depression, anxiety, or burnout, this is a place to gather strength in unity, reflect, and redefine your path in service. 🛡️💞

Our gatherings will shine a spotlight on Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as "Tapping", which is gaining attention for its effectiveness in reducing stress and promoting emotional healing. By tapping on specific meridian points while concentrating on certain negative emotions or physical sensations, EFT seeks to dissolve the energy blockages that may contribute to emotional distress. Studies have shown that Tapping can decrease anxiety levels, uplift moods, and even reduce symptoms of depression, making it an essential tool in the healing process for our committed frontline professionals. 👐💫

This Is Your Time to:

  • Connect with fellow professionals. 👥
  • Receive dedicated support for compassion fatigue. 😌
  • Reinvigorate your purpose in the helping fields. 🔥
  • Share and heal within a community that gets it. 💬
  • Find solace and collective healing. 🕊️

Your relentless dedication has been a beacon during the toughest times. Now it's our turn to help illuminate your path to recovery and renewal. 💡🌟

Take a Step Towards Healing. Register for Our Next Session! 🌼


Spaces are limited. Secure your seat in our circle of compassion, healing, and hope. 🙏💺

When one person heals, we all heal. 🌿✨

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