The Divine Bubble

Bless Your Space ✨🏡Complete Smudge Ritual


Looking to boost your home's good vibes? Say no more! Our Bless Your Space Complete Smudge Ritual is your go-to kit for manifesting a safe, loving space where joy and pure energy reign. 🌿✨

This kit has everything you need for your personal house blessing ceremony—no magick degree required! 🪄 Whether you're a smudging newbie or a seasoned energy worker, this set has got your back. 🙌

What's Inside the Kit?

  • Four (4) Clear Quartz AND Four (4) Apache Tears 💎
  • These protective, grounding stones help remove negative energy and bring in the good stuff.
  • One (1) Selenite Stick 🌟
  • Clears and cleanses your space, filling it with positive energy.
  • One (1) White Sage 🌿
  • Draws in positive vibes and clears out the bad juju.
  • One (1) Palo Santo 🌳
  • Sacred healing wood from Peru used by Shamans to clear negative energy and welcome positivity.
  • One (1) Mother of Pearl Shell 🐚
  • Fire-resistant and perfect for burning your smudge bundles.

Important Notes:

  • The crystal properties are listed for informational purposes only and are not intended to replace medical treatment.
  • Always burn smudge bundles on a fireproof surface in a well-ventilated space. Ensure they are completely out before leaving them unattended.
  • Do not burn plants you are allergic to. Store the kit in a dry place away from direct sunlight.

Blessings of good health and divine love always, ✨💕


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